Tuesday, May 28, 2024 | |
›8:45 (1h45)
8:45 - 10:30 (1h45)
Mitochondrial translation
Stefan Binder
› Mitochondrial translation: From ribosome assembly to its interaction with the RNA processing machinery
- Philippe Giegé, CNRS-Strasbourg
08:45-09:10 (25min)
› Mitochondria and chloroplasts biogenesis relies on tRNA import in the early vascular plant, Selaginella, revealing an extreme example of organellar translation machineries evolution and adaptation.
- Laurence Drouard, CNRS-Strasbourg
09:10-09:35 (25min)
› What's yours is mine: tracing the evolutionary mechanisms behind tRNA import in plant mitochondria.
- Jessica Warren, Arizona State University
09:35-09:53 (18min)
› rPPR1 and rPPR1-like proteins document the astonishing functional diversity of factors involved in plant mitochondrial translation.
- Chuande Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
09:53-10:11 (18min)
› Structural and functional variety among plant peptidyl tRNA hydrolases.
- Talla Ngom, INRAE-Institut Jean Pierre Bourgin
10:11-10:29 (18min)
›10:30 (20min)
10:30 - 10:50 (20min)
Coffee break
10:50 - 12:15 (1h25)
CMS and plant reproduction
Maupertuis Amphitheatre
Françoise Budar
› Stable inheritance of mitoTALEN-mediated depletion of the mitochondrial orf288 gene revealed a cytoplasmic male sterility-causing gene hidden in the mitochondrial genome of standard japonica rice
- Kinya Toriyama, Tohoku University
10:50-11:15 (25min)
› Mitochondrial Inheritance: Remedying Cytoplasmic Male Sterility through Paternal Transmission
- Kin Pan Chung, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
11:15-11:33 (18min)
› Mitochondria from mature pollen: no more orders and ready for action
- Clement Boussardon, Umea Plant Science Center
11:33-11:51 (18min)
› New Insights into Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Fertility Restoration in Wheat
- Thien Tran, University of Western Australia
11:51-12:09 (18min)
›12:15 (1h15)
12:15 - 13:30 (1h15)
›13:30 (50min)
13:30 - 14:20 (50min)
Respiration and climate change
Veronica Maurino
› Genotype, light and temperature: their roles in controlling variation in leaf respiration rates
- Owen Atkin, Australian National University
13:30-13:55 (25min)
› Respiration in a changing climate
- Danielle Way, Australian National University
13:55-14:20 (25min)
›14:20 (40min)
14:20 - 15:00 (40min)
CMS and plant reproduction
Renate Horn
› Identification of cytoplasmic male sterile causative genes in rice
- Tomohiko Kazama, Kyushu University
14:20-14:38 (18min)
› Peptide-mediated DNA/protein delivery system for plant organellar modifications
- Keiji Numata, Kyoto University (from session Mito engineering)
14:38-14:56 (18min)
›15:00 (30min)
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
Coffee break
›15:30 (1h45)
15:30 - 17:15 (1h45)
Proteins: structure, biogenesis and homeostasis
Jurgen Soll
› Mitochondrial biogenesis: from structure to resurrection plants.
- Monika Murcha, University of Western Australia
15:30-15:55 (25min)
› A plant-specific assembly factor involved in the assembly of the membrane arm of complex I
- Etienne Meyer, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
15:55-16:20 (25min)
› FMT and the translation of nuclear-encoded organellar proteins
- Anne-Marie Duchêne, CNRS-Strasbourg
16:20-16:38 (18min)
› Conserved and plant-specific roles of NDUFAF3 in the assembly of the Q/P module of respiratory complex I in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Claire Remacle, University Liege
16:38-16:56 (18min)
› An MCIA-Like Complex is Required for Mitochondrial Complex I Assembly and Seed Development in Maize
- Guifeng Wang, Henan Agricultural University
16:56-17:14 (18min)
›17:15 (1h45)
17:15 - 19:00 (1h45)
Poster Session II
›19:00 (2h30)
19:00 - 21:30 (2h30)
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