Program > Sessions and confirmed speakers

S1    Organisation, maintenance and evolution of the mitochondrial genome

S2    Mitochondrial dynamics and cell biology

S3    Mitochondrial and cellular metabolism

S4    Mitochondrial RNA expression and processing

S5    Mitochondrial translation

S6    CMS and plant reproduction

S7    Respiration and climate change

S8    Proteins: structure, biogenesis and homeostasis I

S9    Proteins: structure, biogenesis and homeostasis II

S10  Development and stress I

S11  Engineering mitochondria

S12  Development and stress II

S13  Mitochondrial redox systems

S14  Mitochondria and signalling


Confirmed speakers

Shin-Ichi Arimura, University of Tokyo, Japan

Owen Atkin, Australian National University, Australia

Hans-Peter Braun, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany

Joachim Forner, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany

Philippe Giegé, CNRS, University of Strasbourg, France

Iain Johnston, University of Bergen, Norway

Olivier Keech, Umea Plant Science Centre, Sweden

Guy Lenaers, INSERM-CNRS,University of Angers, France

Sally Mackenzie, PennState University, USA

Harvey Millar, University of Western Australia, Australia

Monika Murcha, University of Western Australia, Australia

Nicolas Rouhier, University of Lorraine, France

Virginia Sanchez-Puerta, Nacional University of Cuyo, Argentina

Markus Schwarzländer, University of Münster, Germany

Daniel Sloan, University of Colorado, USA

Ian Small, University of Western Australia, Australia

Mizuki Takenaka, Kyoto University, Japan

Danielle Way, Australian National University, Australia

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