Monday, May 27, 2024 | |
›8:45 (1h30)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Organisation and evolution of the mitochondrial genome
Jeff Mower
› Expansion of the MutS gene family shapes plant organelle genetics
- Daniel Sloan, Colorado State University
08:45-09:10 (25min)
› Rampant horizontal genome transfer in plant mitochondria: mechanism, functional impact, and dynamics
- Maria Virginia Sanchez-Puerta, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
09:10-09:35 (25min)
› The decoupled evolution of the organellar genomes of Silene nutans leads to distinct roles in the speciation process
- Pascal Touzet, Evo-Eco-Paleo, University Lille
09:35-09:53 (18min)
› Enzymology of plant organellar DNA replication and repair
- Luis Brieba, Langebio
09:53-10:11 (18min)
›10:15 (20min)
10:15 - 10:35 (20min)
Coffee break
›10:35 (1h30)
10:35 - 12:05 (1h30)
Mitochondrial dynamics and cell biology
Shin-ichi Arimura
› Social networks of mitochondria collaborate on mtDNA maintenance in plant cells
- Iain Johnston, University of Bergen
10:35-11:00 (25min)
› High Resolution Investigation of Mitochondrial Molecular Architecture using Cryo-Electron Tomography
- Florent Waltz, University of Basel
11:00-11:25 (25min)
› AtVPS13M1 is involved in lipid remodeling in response to phosphate starvation and is located to mitochondria in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Morgane Michaud, Laboratoire de physiologie cellulaire et végétale
11:25-11:43 (18min)
› The impact of the environment on plant mitochondrial motility
- Jan Multhoff, University of Münster
11:43-12:01 (18min)
›12:05 (1h25)
12:05 - 13:30 (1h25)
›13:30 (1h30)
13:30 - 15:00 (1h30)
Mitochondrial and cellular metabolism
Elisabeth Vierling
› ATP generation efficiency in plant mitochondria: how many regulators are there and have we missed any?
- A. Harvey Millar, University of Western Australia
13:30-13:55 (25min)
› Can mitochondria be used as gatekeepers between life and death in response to stress?
- Olivier Keech, Umeå University
13:55-14:20 (25min)
› Photoperiod-dependent modulation of plant development and physiology by mitochondrial NAD-malic enzyme 1
- Maria del Pilar Martinez, University of Bonn
14:20-14:38 (18min)
› Arabidopsis ACONITASE 3 contributes to plant stress tolerance and senescence
- Moona Rahikainen, Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Program, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki
14:38-14:56 (18min)
›15:00 (30min)
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
Coffee break
›15:30 (1h45)
15:30 - 17:15 (1h45)
Mitochondrial RNA expression and processing
Kristina Kühn
› RNA editing in ferns and lycophytes informs the development of synthetic enzymes for controlling organelle gene expression
- Ian Small, University of Western Australia
15:30-15:55 (25min)
› Molecular basis for C-to-U RNA editosome assembly in plant organelles
- Mizuki Takenaka, Kyoto University
15:55-16:20 (25min)
› A quantitative study of the mitochondrial transcriptome in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana
- Michelle Marofke, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
16:20-16:38 (18min)
› Plant mitochondria post-transcriptional processing: Dynamics and maintenance of the Oxidative Phosphorylation pathway
- Oren Ostersetzer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
16:38-16:56 (18min)
› Unveiling unique features of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial genome and mRNA maturation mechanisms
- Thalia Salinas, CNRS-Strasbourg
16:56-17:14 (18min)
›17:15 (1h45)
17:15 - 19:00 (1h45)
Poster Session I
›19:00 (2h30)
19:00 - 21:30 (2h30)
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